
Working With Enhanced Search Functionality

You may have already noticed below Screen the new behaviour in standard transaction such as FV60  and  MIR7  while typing in the number of VENDOR. As a developer, you can now enhance the functionality of a search help object (F4 Help) with the  type-ahead  function and  Fuzzy Search  by just selecting the appropriate settings in the relevant search helps in the ABAP dictionary ( SE11 ). In the above enhanced search list I added new column (Tax Number 3)i.e GST Number. Below Steps need to Fallow. STEP1: Create a View in SE11 Like Below. STEP2: Create a Elementary Search help Like Below. STEP3: Click F1 on vendor Field and go to technical Information. STEP 4: Double Click on Search Help KRED. Below Screen will appear.and Double click on SRCH.HELP EXIT(KRED_F4IF_SHLP_EXIT). STEP5: In Function Module KRED_F4IF_SHLP_EXIT. Create a Implicit Enahancement. and Write Below Logic. IF  sy - tcode  eq  'MIRO' ...


Here You will get the BOM(Bill of Material) details using Function Module. Function Module Name :  CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2 Example: CALL  FUNCTION  'CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2'        EXPORTING         AUSKZ                  =  'X'         CAPID                  =  'PP01'         DATUV                  =   SY - DATUM    "DATE         EHNDL                  =  '1'         EMENG ...

Working with batch Classification Change Function Module

Here I want to change the batch classification details through FUNCTION MODULE. Function Module Name : VB_CHANGE_BATCH. Example Code: DATA : YMCHA          TYPE  MCHA ,      CHAR_OF_BATCH  TYPE  TABLE  OF  CLBATCH ,      WA_OF_BATCH    TYPE  CLBATCH ,      CHANGED_BATCH  TYPE  TABLE  OF  MCHA ,      ZIMSEG         TYPE  TABLE  OF  IMSEG ,       RETURN         TYPE  TABLE  OF  BAPIRET2 . SELECT  SINGLE  MATNR ,               WERKS ,               CHARG  FROM  MSEG   ...

CS01 Enhancement for Custom fields in header

Step1:         Added Append Structure in STKO with name (ZSTKO). Step2:       Created Project in CMOD Transaction With Enhancement name-PCSD0003 Step3: Double Click on screen exit number 1100. go to Layout and add fields like below. . Step4: add logic in STEP5: For CS03 Display Mode.Go to Flow Logic in Screen Number. STEP6 : Double Click on STATUS_1100 and write the given Logic in the Include:ZXCSAO01               Given Below Screen Shot.

Migo T-code item level after click of tree display Qty should become Display(MIGO-Enhancement)

Step-1 : Go to SE38 and give Programme name - LMIGODO2. Step-2 : Create Implicit Enhancement Step-3 : Write Logic given Below Step-4 : if you want to do Quantity Tab Qty in unit of entry field also become non-Editable mode.               Do the Fallowing Steps. Step-5 : Go to se38 give include Name : LMIGOKL1 Step-6 : Create a Implicit Enhancement Write Logic given Below Step-7 : Test it.


+   - 1. Purchase Requisition (ME51N) Material requirement are identified either by the user, department or via material planning and control. For example a MRP Run in production planning or material falling short of reorder-point can automatically generate Purchase Requisition. At the same time PR can be created manually in the system. 2. Source Determination - RFQ (ME41) Identify the possible source of supply based on the past order and existing long term purchase contract. Then create Request for Quotation, which can be then sent electronically to vendors. 3. Vendor Selection and Comparison of Quotation (ME49) After receiving quotation system is capable to simulate pricing scenarios, allowing user to compare number of quotations and sent rejection letter automatically. 4. Purchase Order (ME21N) Data from Quotation or Purchase Requisition can be adopted to create Purchase Orders. Purchase Order is then sent to Vendor to supply the goods. 5. Purchase Order...


Below is the standard sales and distribution(SD) document flow in SAP . INQUIRY VA11 is the T-Code for inquiry and related tables are VBAK, VBAP.Once inquiry is done customer requests quotation. QUOTATION T-code for quotation in VA21, tables are VBAK, VBAP.After quotation flow goes for purchase order. PURCHASE ORDER Purchase order t-code is ME21N, related tables are EKKO, EKPO.Based on purchase order sales order will be created. SALES ORDER Sales order t-code is VA01, related tables are VBAK, VBAP. Once sales order is created, delivery will be done. DELIVERY T-Code for delivery order is VL01N, tables are LIKP, LIPS. Next the goods should be delivered through shipping SHIPPING Shipping t-code is VT01, related tables are VTTK, VTTP.Once goods are shipped, go for billing. BILLING Billing t-code is VF01, tables are VBRK,VBRP. Every bill has provide invoice. INVOICE Invoice t-code is VF21, related tables are VBRK, VBRP.Invoice end of sal...